This cute fawn has his physical therapist, who helps him learn to walk.

Dr Darin Trees, a physical therapist, now has a new patient: a cute fawn named Beau. Darin has been helping the young deer get around at the wildlife centre he runs in Texas. WebMD says that Beau walks with an antalgic gait, which is another name for a limp. The trainer has been exercising the baby deer's legs in a swimming pool without putting too much pressure on them. Darin recently put a video of Beau working out on TikTok. He showed the video of the fawn having trouble walking, then showed what the little guy was doing in the pool to get better. Storyful tells…

Continue ReadingThis cute fawn has his physical therapist, who helps him learn to walk.

Thanks to kind people, an owl hit by a car is now on the way to getting better.

A car hit an owl in Westbrook, Maine, while it was flying about two days ago. People who saw what happened didn't think twice about stopping what they were doing to ensure the bird was okay. This kind group of strangers knew they had to do something when it became clear that wasn't the case. Even though the group kept them safe until more help arrived, the bird finally fled into the nearby woods. Lucky for them, a Westbrook police officer was not far behind and was determined to find the chicken. Luckily, the cop was able to do that soon enough. From there, a Game…

Continue ReadingThanks to kind people, an owl hit by a car is now on the way to getting better.

A farmer finds a baby calf frozen to death in the snow and saves its life by warming it up.

Both people and animals can't stand it when it's cold. Many animals die because they can't handle the cold weather and the risks that come with it. Diseases like frostbite and hypothermia are especially likely to happen there. People keep their animals very warm in the winter because of this. Dean Ganver runs a farm in Roseville, Indiana. One day, he had to deal with something he didn't expect. On his farm, he also takes care of cattle. Something wonderful happened when he went to the farm on a cold morning in 2015. He was able to save the life of a milk cow caught in…

Continue ReadingA farmer finds a baby calf frozen to death in the snow and saves its life by warming it up.

Meet Derrick Campana, the “Hero of a Thousand Animals.” He makes prosthetic legs for animals so they can walk properly again.

Derrick Campana is a certified orthodontist who has worked in orthotics and prosthetics for many years. He started the company Animal Orthocare. He made prosthetic legs to help disabled animals walk better and, in turn, improve their lives. Derrick found out 15 years ago that he was passionate about this. He worked at a place where animals could get better. There, a vet told him to build artificial legs for a dog. That's something he's never done before. He saw this as a great chance to show off his skills. He did well there, though. He started a business making prosthetic legs for animals because so…

Continue ReadingMeet Derrick Campana, the “Hero of a Thousand Animals.” He makes prosthetic legs for animals so they can walk properly again.