How Squirrels Keep Their Teeth Sharp and Healthy

Squirrels are adorable creatures that can be found in many parts of the world. They are known for their bushy tails, agile movements, and love for nuts and seeds. But did you know that squirrels have a special adaptation that helps them eat their favorite foods without damaging their teeth? Squirrels have four large front teeth, two on the upper jaw and two on the lower jaw, that never stop growing. These teeth are called **incisors**, and they are used for gnawing and biting hard foods like nuts and seeds. Unlike human teeth, which have a fixed length and shape, squirrel teeth keep growing throughout their…

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The Secret Life of Squirrels: How and Why They Bury Their Food

Have you ever wondered what squirrels do with all the nuts and seeds they collect? Do they eat them right away, store them in their nests, or hide them somewhere else? The answer is not as simple as you might think. Squirrels have a fascinating and complex behavior of burying their food, also known as caching, that helps them survive the winter and benefit the forest ecosystem. In this post, we will explore how and why squirrels bury their food, and what strategies they use to remember and protect their caches.   ## How Do Squirrels Bury Their Food?   Squirrels are scatter hoarders, which means…

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