The Green-Haired, Butt-Breathing Turtle: Understanding the Fascinating Adaptations of Aquatic Turtles

The Green-Haired, Butt-Breathing Turtle: How the Fascinating Adaptations of Water Turtles Work Turtles are very interesting animals that always surprise us with the way they have changed and improved over time. A turtle in Germany recently made news because it had green hair, which is not common for turtles. Another interesting fact about this turtle is that it can breathe through its butt. The green hair comes from algae that grows on the turtle's shell. This is normal for turtles that live in water. But this turtle's green hair has caught a lot of people's attention because it looks so different. Not only does the turtle…

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The Melanesian: People With Dark Skin and Blonde Hair

Have you ever seen a black person with blonde hair? The black islanders who went to the south Pacific thousands of years ago are called Melanesians. Melanesia is a group of islands that were first inhabited by people who are most likely related to the Papuans of today. This part of Oceania goes from the western edge of the Pacific Ocean to the Arafura Sea and then east to Fiji. The area is made up of Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands, Fiji, and Papua New Guinea. So, native Melanesian groups are often split into two main groups based on language differences, like Papuan-speaking and Austronesian-speaking groups, society,…

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Discover the Unique Star Sand Beach in Okinawa, Japan

Find out about Okinawa's one-of-a-kind star sand beach   Japan's Okinawa is known for its beautiful beaches. The "Star Sand Beach" is one of the most unique ones. As the name suggests, this beach is famous for the tiny star-shaped pieces of sand that you can find there. This makes it a must-see for tourists from all over the world. The sand grains that look like stars are actually the shells of tiny sea creatures called Foraminifera. These living things are important to the marine environment and can be found in the ocean. When they die, their shells wash up on the shore and build up,…

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Enormous Elephant Seal Spotted in South Georgia: A Majestic Marine Marvel

Huge Elephant Seals Seen in South Georgia: A Majestic Marine Wonder Not long ago, an amazing sighting happened on the beaches of South Georgia: a huge elephant seal came to visit. Many people, including nature lovers, were amazed by the scene, which gave them a glimpse into the lives of these beautiful sea animals. That being said, perspective can fool the eye sometimes, but there's no denying how big the elephant seal in this stunning scene is. Adult males of this species are known for being very big. They can be more than 5 metres long and weigh up to 2,500 kg, which is enormous.  …

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Did You Know? Alligators Actually Walk On Their Two Legs In Water

Know What? When they're in water, alligators walk on all fours.   What did you know about alligators? They are related to crocodiles and can walk on two legs in water. Many people have long thought that these animals just float on the water's surface and wait for their food. This may come as a surprise to them. But recently, an underwater picture of a crocodile swimming in its pen at a crocodile farm went popular in Japan. The picture showed that the animal has a unique ability to stand on its hind legs. People should always be careful around crocodiles because they are dangerous predators,…

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Scientists are baffled after a 10-ton whale was discovered in the Amazon Rainforest

Read more about the article Scientists are baffled after a 10-ton whale was discovered in the Amazon Rainforest
Image credit: Bicho D’agua Institute/Facebook

An incredible 40-ton humpback whale was caught on tape jumping out of the water. The biggest animals in the world are humpback whales. The huge beasts in question weigh up to 40 tonnes, so they probably won't be able to completely jump out of the water. This beautiful film of a humpback whale breaching the water off the coast of South Africa may be the reason for all the fuss. The amazing video was taken by scuba diver Craig Capehart off the coast of Mbotyi, South Africa. He figures that the adult whale weighs about 40 tonnes. After that, he put the amazing video on YouTube,…

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