The true story behind the picture of the brave horse that saved the blind dog from drowning (5 photos)

The horse, "Agripin," was swimming in the Danube when he saw a puppy that was about to die and needed to be saved. A small blind dog got off a nearby pier and wandered out to sea, where it couldn't find its way back to land. When the dog got lost, Agripin offered to help her get back to shore. It wasn't too deep of water, so Abby got on her horse and rode back to land. Agripin could stand on his own. The little dog's owner was shocked when Agripin got it out of the water. The story about the rescue that was told before…

Continue ReadingThe true story behind the picture of the brave horse that saved the blind dog from drowning (5 photos)

When a baby kangaroo loses its mother, it clings to a teddy bear and thinks of it as a friend.

In Grafton, New South Wales, in southeast Australia, "Doodlebug" was found on the side of the road. He only weighed about 3 1/2 pounds. It's been months since the little rabbit was saved. Tim Beshara and his mother, Gillian Abbott, still don't understand why he was left behind. "We don't know whether his mother had died either through a car accident or a dog attack, or whether he simply was abandoned," Beshara told CBS News. Anyway, it looks like the kangaroo, who is now 15 months old, is finally learning how to stay alive. Doodlebug's favourite stuffed animal, teddy bears, keep him company. "The kangaroo will…

Continue ReadingWhen a baby kangaroo loses its mother, it clings to a teddy bear and thinks of it as a friend.

Watch as huge polar bears play with sledge dogs in an exciting friendship (video).

Even though they look cute and friendly, polar bears are not meant to be pets. Now for sledge dogs? It seems crazy to us that they might want to cuddle up to each other. But after watching the following educational films, we see a relationship form that is unlike any other. In the movie below, the commentator stresses how important it is to stay away from these huge polar bears. Even though they are beautiful, they are very powerful compared to everything else on Earth. It's clear that he's staying more than 70 feet away from the polar bear. Furthermore, he not only stays away, but…

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One of the rarest animal sightings in the world, the chiropodes maculatus, has only been seen once before.

It is said that this jellyfish has only been seen once before, but divers in Kavieng, Papua New Guinea, caught video of it. This amazing video was posted on the Facebook page for Scuba Ventures. During a dive today, I saw a new kind of jellyfish. "It has cool markings, is a little bigger than a football, and swims pretty fast," the Post said, adding that the very rare animal had only been seen once before, off the coast of Australia. Scientists have only studied one specimen so far. It was caught on May 2, 1997, off the outer edge of the Great Barrier Reef, which…

Continue ReadingOne of the rarest animal sightings in the world, the chiropodes maculatus, has only been seen once before.

The Strange Lives of Black Servals

Servals are wildcats with cheetah-like coats that have black spots, bands, and lines that often live in the grasslands of Africa. Only in East Africa is there a hidden colony of melanistic servals. These cats have dark fur because they have a rare genetic condition called melanism. As they roam the grasslands of East Africa, these shy cats are an interesting and rarely seen sight. People have seen black servals in Kenya and Tanzania, which is an interesting sign that they live in East Africa. But these cats are very good at hiding, which makes it hard to guess how many there are in the wild.…

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Maggie, who used to be a poor blind dog and now works as a therapy dog!

Maggie is a very upset dog. His ears were cut off 17 times, and she was pregnant too. But now it's great to see her living a happy life! Maggie was about 5 years old and lived in Lebanon. One side of her eye and jaw were crushed, and her ear was cut off. She was hungry and pregnant at the same time. But she got lucky when she met Casey, a man from Brighton who loves animals a lot. He chose to adopt Maggie after hearing about the Wild At Heart Foundation. Casey may have made the best choice of her life. Since then, he…

Continue ReadingMaggie, who used to be a poor blind dog and now works as a therapy dog!