Meet the Aardwolf, a cute animal you may not have known about.

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Do you know what an aardwolf is? Then learn about this wonderful animal!

They are from eastern and southern Africa and live in burrows underground.

Do you believe, though? They don’t dig their own burrows; instead, they live in the ones that other animals have left empty.

This amazing animal comes from the Hyena family, but unlike their cousins, aardwolves only eat termites, just like the aardvark.

They catch small termites with a long, sticky tongue. A wolf can eat 300,000 people in one night.

The most interesting thing about them is that they only mate once and stay with that person their whole lives.

They sleep during the winter, but they are most active at night.

They are one of the few animals whose adults are just as cute as their young.

The adult wolves, on the other hand, can get as big as a true Fox.

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