Murphy gets to take care of a real child instead of a rock.

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A bald eagle that will never be able to fly is spending his last years at a bird refuge in Missouri.

Last month, one of his caretakers at World Bird Sanctuary (WBS) saw something strange. Keeper Kerstin saw Murphy, the eagle watching over a big hole in the ground.

The area had a simple rock in the middle and branches and leaves that were placed nicely but not too much.

That day and every day after that, Keeper Kerstin saw Murphy sitting on the rock like it was an egg. For a male bald eagle, this is a pretty normal thing to do since they both help raise their young.

He moves the sticks around in his nest every once in a while and screams at other eagles that get too close. On Facebook, the group wrote, “We’re not telling Murphy the truth; we’re just wishing him the best of luck.” “We haven’t seen a rock hatch yet!””

The people who work at the refuge say that Murphy is making this choice on his own, even though many people have come to the conclusion that he is lonely and needs a partner. Murph is not by himself! WBS says that two male and two female bald eagles share his cage with him.

He’s not asking for or taking help with his nest! It’s clear that he wants to go it alone since he hasn’t chosen a partner. His only desire is his rock, not the eggs. Now it’s fun to watch him take care of it, but he’ll get bored and give up soon enough. Don’t feel sorry for him! He is being spoiled rotten and is very happy!

Last week, very strong winds destroyed an eagle nest near Ste. Genevieve, Missouri, that had two chicks living there. It was autumn, and one of the chicks died. But the other was found by a dedicated nest sitter, who took it to the Wildlife Hospital at World Bird Sanctuary and saved it. The staff chose to give Murphy the chance to care for a real child.

But Murphy, who is thirty-one years old, has never raised a chick before. It was the chick’s best chance of staying alive, but it was also a risk. After “BabyRock” was taken out, the chick was put back in his cage.

Over the course of about an hour, Murphy got close to the eaglet and looked at it. It was clear that Murphy was interested. But he didn’t feed him. When the eaglet left the nest the next day to spend more time with Murphy, the magic began.

“THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING!In a study, WBS said. “FEED THE BABY, MURPHY!To help Murphy and the baby bond as much as possible, WBS said they would be “as hands-off as possible” and shared a picture of Murphy cuddling the child.

If you want to help Murphy and his baby get food, you might want to give to the World Bird Sanctuary.

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