The baby elephant follows the rescuer everywhere she goes, even to the couch (VIDEO).

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The caring Roxy Danckwerts runs a wildlife refuge called Wild Is Life, where she gives animals that have been hurt or left behind a second chance at life.

This is a good thing to do anywhere in the world, but Roxy is from Zimbabwe, Africa. With the help of her team, she has helped ostriches, giraffes, and even cheetahs get better. What do they do when they are given a baby elephant in 2016? There is, of course, chaos after that!

BBC1 said Moyo was a “tiny” baby elephant when he got to the rescue. He might not have been more than a few days old. When he was found by himself, he was very hungry. It looked like he tried to cross the river with his herd, but the strong currents took him and his mother away.

No one really knows how he did it, but he couldn’t have lived without food and a place to stay. He began his life again as a house elephant after being sent to Roxy’s wildlife shelter.

Watch the movie below to see how much he has grown. He’s less shy, more interested, and has put on weight. Elephants need this trait to keep their groups together and to be able to live in the wild. But an elephant in the house is a totally different story!

A Big Elephant at Home?

Large dogs, like Great Danes and Saint Bernards, can be a pain in the neck in homes, as anyone who has owned one can tell you.
They quickly look across the table when they take a bite from someone else’s plate. When they spread out on the couch, there’s no room for anyone else.

Five of those are Moyo babies. Moyo is bigger and naughtier than a dog, but he acts like a dog around the house. Dogs didn’t have trunks to hold up their heads when they reached. Moyo has no idea that he’s slowly ruining his favourite couch!

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