180-Million-Year-Old Sea Dragon Fossil Discovered in UK Reservoir

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A fossil of a sea dragon from 180 million years ago was found in a reservoir in the UK.

A sea dragon fossil from 180 million years ago has been found in a reservoir in the UK.

A fossil of a sea dragon from 180 million years ago has been found in a pond in the UK. This is an amazing find. An amateur fossil hunter found the fossil in the summer of 2021. It is thought to be the remains of a new species of sea dragon.

Its scientific name is Ichthyosaur, and it was a type of sea dragon that lived in the Mesozoic Era. It was thought that these animals had strong swimming skills and ate fish and squid with their long, thin bodies.

The fossil was found by Paul de la Salle, a fossil hunter who was just for fun in a pond near the English town of Rutland in the East Midlands countryside. When de la Salle found the fossil, he called local experts who agreed that it was, in fact, the body of an Ichthyosaur.

The fossil is said to be amazingly well-preserved, with a lot of the skeleton still in one piece. Professionals think the thing was about 4 meters long and would have weighed about 150 kilograms when it was alive.

Finding this new species of sea dragon is important because it gives us new information about how these interesting animals have changed over time. It gives us information about the different kinds of Ichthyosaurs that lived during the Jurassic Period, which is when this species is thought to have lived.

People in Rutland have given the fossil to their local museum, where it will be studied and shown to the public. Scientists hope that this amazing find will get more people interested in fossils and the natural world.

Finally, the finding of this sea dragon fossil that is 180 million years old is a big deal for paleontology, the study of prehistoric animals. It makes me think of all the different kinds of life that have lived on Earth in the past and how important it is for hobby fossil hunters to find new things.

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