Baby orca was found alone and crying for hours before it was found and saved by strangers (video).

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Do you know anything about orcas? While their name might make you think they are whales, they are actually dolphins. In the video below, you can see a group of people trying to help an orca whale that is stuck on the shore of British Columbia.

The animal got stuck on some rocks while trying to get food. Luckily, he was found in time, but it was a very hard task to finish!

A group of volunteers read about the orca on Facebook and went right to the scene to help. After more than 8 hours, they were able to free the marine mammal, and it was not hurt in the experience. Thank you to those who arrived at the exact moment!

A group of volunteers read about the orca on Facebook and went right to the scene to help. After more than 8 hours, they were able to free the marine mammal, and it was not hurt in the experience. Thank you to those who arrived at the exact moment!

Click on the movie below to see Whale Rescue Save a Stranded Orca in B.C.


More About Orca 👇 👇 👇


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