In the middle of a busy highway, a police officer finds a scared and angry donkey and takes him away in a patrol car! (With Movie)

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Robin Strader was driven to work from Norman, Oklahoma, one day when she saw a scared donkey struggling in the middle of a busy highway.

She stopped her car right away and offered to help him. But soon after, Officer Kyle Canaan from the Norman Police Department arrived on the scene. At the same time, Robin got the donkey off the road in some way.

Officer Canaan wasn’t sure how to deal with this strange problem at first, but he was able to solve it in the end. The woman said she would raise him in her house a few miles away. She gave the donkey the name Squishy.

When the right vehicle does finally show up, it takes too long, so Officer Canaan chooses to drive with Squishy. It was fine with Squishy too.

“Every day while on duty, our officers run into unexpected things,” the Norman, OK police department wrote on Facebook. “This morning, Officer Kyle Canaan got a call about a donkey that was loose in the 8100 block of 120th Avenue NE. To make sure the donkey was safe, he helped move it to a nearby home where it would be kept safe until its owner could be found.” A donkey in the back seat of a police car doesn’t happen very often!The rescue donkey didn’t mind riding in the back of the police car, which is usually only for criminals.

Besides that, they got along great and had a great time on their trip… except for one thing. Canaan told KFOR, “It went to the toilet in the back of my police car.” “It must have been right after breakfast, because there was a lot of it.”

Officer Canaan did get his passenger to Robin’s place safely, though. It’s Great!


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