These Mysterious Initiation Wells in Portugal Are Kind of Creepy

It's kind of creepy that these mysterious wells in Portugal are used for initiation. Quinta da Regaleira is a strange and mysterious place that is tucked away in the misty woods of Sintra, Portugal. This property has a Romantic palace and church, as well as a beautiful park with lakes, grottoes, wells, benches, fountains, and many other intricate structures.   The visionary António Augusto Carvalho Monteiro built Quinta da Regaleira in 1904. The house's spirit shows how much its owner loved the supernatural, magic, and Masonry. Rosicrucianism, the Knights Templar, and Freemasonry are all represented in intricate ways in its stunning building. Two wells that look…

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Before it all ended in a sad way, inside a pub built into a 6,000-year-old baobab tree

Before it all ended in a sad way, inside a pub built into a 6,000-year-old baobab tree Picture raising a glass in a cozy bar made from the hollowed-out trunk of a baobab tree that is 6,000 years old. That's exactly what people saw at the Sunland Big Baobab in South Africa, which is also called the Pub Tree. People at the door to the Baobab Bar. South African Tourism Picture The circumference of this huge baobab tree was more than 108 feet, and its branches reached gracefully up to the sky at a height of nearly 75 feet. Surprisingly, nature had split the Sunland Big…

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How Baby Birds Can Breathe Inside Their Eggs

How bird babies can breathe in their eggs Have you ever thought about how birds can breathe inside their hard eggshells? It's all because of some really clever egg-ineering. Bird eggs have tough shells that hold an egg white and a yolk inside. When the egg is fertilized, the baby grows inside the yolk, getting food from it and the egg white around it. When the baby bird has food and a place to stay, you might wonder what else it needs. There is one more important thing that must be present: fresh air. People and other animals get oxygen through their umbilical cords while they…

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Conspiracy Theorists Think The Eclipse Will Begin A “Massive Human Sacrifice Event”

Read more about the article Conspiracy Theorists Think The Eclipse Will Begin A “Massive Human Sacrifice Event”
The paths of totality are key to some conspiracy theory nonsense. Image credit: Ernest Wright/NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio

Some people believe that the eclipse will start a "massive human sacrifice event." The April 8th total solar eclipse is coming up quickly, and some parts of the internet are full of incredible promises. Critics of the official story say that this cosmic event could be the start of a "massive human sacrifice event," but their evidence is shaky at best. One theory that is getting support on the r/conspiracy subreddit is based on the idea that the paths of totality from the 2017 and 2024 eclipses crossing each other is significant. They say that this made-up layer makes a "X" near the New Madrid fault…

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Birds Are Using Anti-Bird Spikes to Build Their Nests in Cities as a Form of ‘Beautiful Revenge’

As a form of "beautiful revenge," birds are building their nests on anti-bird spikes in cities. Anti-bird spikes have been put up in many places around the world to keep birds from landing on statues and balconies. But it looks like the birds are now finding a way to get back at them. Have you ever seen those sharp metal pins that are put on buildings to keep birds from making nests? These are called "anti-bird spikes," and they're meant to make it hard or dangerous for birds to land on the surfaces. But some birds, mostly Corvidae like crows and magpies, have figured out how…

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When The Light Poles in a Small Argentine Town Were Replaced, They Saved the Woodpeckers’ Home

The woodpeckers' home was saved when the light poles in a small town in Argentina were changed. There are two things attached to light poles in the middle of Argentina that show how kind people can be. The small, remote town of Ucacha in Argentina's Córdoba province recently had to make a tough choice about how to improve its light poles. As the project was being planned, it became clear that it might affect the homes of two families of woodpeckers in the area. Image credit: Gustavo Oscar Perusia But instead of giving up on the project, the leaders of the town came up with a clever…

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